The School Board operates under the "Shared Wisdom" model and enhances the inclusive and welcoming Catholic community of St Ita's.
The School Board provides advice to the Principal as representatives of the wider community - It has a consultative role but does not have authority to govern or make exclusive decisions about the school administration or direction. The Principal consults with the Board in developing school policies, enhancing faith within the school community, negotiating capital works projects and establishing the strategic direction of the school. The School Board meets once a term to discuss and provide feedback on current issues, activities and policies impacting on St Ita's School.
Under its constitution the School Board is comprised of committed and competent representatives drawn from the parish and school community. They include the parish priest, the school principal, teaching staff representatives, parish members and school parent representatives. Two Executive positions are appointed, namely, the chairperson and the secretary.
The St Ita's School Pastoral Board consists of the school principal, Parish priest, teacher, parent and parish representatives.
Members of the 2023 School Board are:
* Paul Conaghan [Chair]
* Michelle Francis [Secretary]
* Paul Wilson [Principal]
* Fr William Aupito Iuliano [Parish Priest]
* Karlie Hoare [Teacher]
* Blake Allan
* Duncan Matthews
* Jane Sadural